Teaching Ben to throw

Teaching Ben to throw

On the day I returned to teaching ceramics after almost leaving the studio for good, Ben arrived after school, eager to learn to throw a pot. When he departed a few hours later with clay on his shoes, he left me with much to consider about my approach to teaching. Ben...
Identity Shift

Identity Shift

A week ago today, my identity changed. In a peaceful, wooded spot, surrounded by trees and dappled sun, I watched as the vet hooked up a catheter to Yale’s neck, then injected the serum that would end his life. His head lowered as I stroked him. It had already been...
The blessings of unsolvable times

The blessings of unsolvable times

Without [farm], where would we be? Tied in barns, tied to trees, left inside or outside to starve, injured, lame and in pain, blind, or standing in the kill pen waiting for our death sentence. Waiting for our final ride to the agony of a cruel and undeserved end. What...
Ireland on Horseback, Summer 2016

Ireland on Horseback, Summer 2016

Saturday 8.6.16 Here’s what I want to remember about traveling to Ireland, in case I ever have the opportunity to do it again:  Whatever the cost, take the direct flight. My route: Uber to Paoli Station, Paoli Station to 30th Street Station, 30th Street Station to...