Can You Teach Creativity, Part 2

I assigned my Ceramics students to watch Staley’s video, and then to answer the following question (among other prompts) in their sketchbook:  “Do you think creativity can be taught?  Why or why not?”Here’s a selection of what I got in...

Can You Teach Creativity?

My thoughts on this — if being PSU’s Laureate means that the world will be blessed with more of Staley’s wisdom – in video, writing, whatever — then 2012-2013 is going to be a very good...

Making and Failure

Check out this video featuring Adam Savage from Mythbusters, on Making. Notable quotes: Making is inherently risky.  You’re gonna cut yourself, you’re gonna get bruised, you’re gonna mess things up, you’re gonna fail, and that’s...


Just like I want to believe that clay – and all things tactile – will stay inherently engaging as we move closer and closer to a pushbutton society, I also want to believe many other idealisms about education.  I was brought up that way. I was raised to...
“Can you…?”

“Can you…?”

Today was my first day of two weeks of teaching at the summer camp gig. I’m working with 6-12-year-olds, loosely teaching some clay projects in morning and afternoon sessions, three hours to a clip. I want to believe that clay is innately engaging, that...